Monday, September 16, 2024

Getting A Good Shot...Of A Bag Of Skulls

A few weeks ago, my wife and I went to Dollar Tree to pick up something, I can't remember what. As my wife search for what we went for, I searched for something else...something interesting to photograph. I found two, actually. I didn't use the bag of skulls picture, instead I used a great picture (IMHO...) of toothpaste/toothbrush caddies that seemed to be screaming.

Fast forward a few weeks and we found ourselves in our local $1.25 store again. I searched out the skulls. I couldn't remember if the previous bag of skulls picture was any good, but when I found the skulls this time, I did a little rearranging so that each one showed it's unique (if that's even possible...) skull personality.

I think it turned out pretty good, much better than the one I took weeks ago.

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