Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Beauty That Is...A Truck

 Our youngest son bought a truck. He went to school for construction and it made sense he would need a truck for a future job. We looked for several months and found this one. Yesterday we used it to haul away some old too big to fit into a car or even our old van.

That truck is beautiful.

Okay, okay, I's a Ford and many out there are saying to themselves (or even, out loud...), that Fords are less than desirable. I'm not up on my "which trucks are the best" knowledge. Personally, I say whatever trucks run are good (and no jokes about Fords not running...).

Driving that tuck to deliver stuff we no longer needed was amazing. It made me question why we didn't get a truck earlier. I do know the answer to that We never really needed a truck before. Of course, we could have used one, but never to the point where it was a necessity. 

Too bad for us.

For now, we have access to the big Ford F-150. That may change if/when the son moves out to experience new adventures. When that happens, I know we'll miss our son...

And the truck.

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