Thursday, September 19, 2024

Who's Your Doppelganger...?

 Earlier this week I glanced up at the TV as I rested after a long day at work and I spotted my friend, someone I've known for over a decade. Wow, was my first thought, then I realized it wasn't my friend...

Just another intelligent man on a television quiz show.

It made me wonder...who's your doppelganger? 

With over eight billion people on the earth currently, and billions of others already lived, the odds say there must be someone who looks like you, or once did. In my life I grew up around others who looked nothing like me. Oh, I mean, not totally unlike me. Most had two legs, two arms, all twenty digits, but in the small things...I never saw anyone who looked like me until my second son was born. The kid was my doppelganger. He looked like me (and still does...). 

I found my birth parents last year and I can see, from them, how I came to look as I do. A few years ago a friend told me I looked like a Canadian actor. I did an internet search and concluded there was a resemblance. 

Still, because I was adopted, I wondered if I would be walking down the street and see someone who had the same nose, or eyes, or hairline (or lack thereof...). Would it freak me out? Would I stop them and ask about their family, or would I figure there's no way we were related and pass them by? Since I now know my birth families, I guess that'll never happen.

When I saw my friend's doppelganger on Jeopardy, I thought it could be him. Heck, I believe he'd even do great on the show. He ought to give it a shot...

In my opinon.

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