Sunday, September 22, 2024

Give Thanks...For 32 Years

We got married on a Tuesday. People though we were weird...most get married on the weekend. Not us. We picked the 22nd because that day meant so much to us. Our first date was on a 22nd, we got engaged on a 22nd, and we got married on a 22nd. 

Thirty-two years ago today, to be exact.

To put things in perspective, that VW was 26 years old...six years younger than how long Lynda and I have been married.

When you've lived with someone that long, it's hard to remember life before it was she and me.

And, honestly, I don't want to.

I'm thankful we found each other all those years ago. I'm thankful she said "yes" when I asked. I'm thankful for all those years we've had together and I pray they'll continue for a long time. Love you, Babe!

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