Saturday, September 21, 2024

I Wish The Guy Well...But I'm Not Buying It

 That's a lot to pay for a Sony Walkman. 

I saw this ad on Facebook Marketplace yesterday. Those of us who lived through the era where a Sony Walkman was the pinnacle of high tec, think iPhone 16 of its day, know just how awesome these things were. Before the Walkmans came out, if you wanted mobile sounds, you had to carry around a boom box, or a transistor radio...both had their limitations.

Then Sony invented the Walkman, as good a sound as you could get from a cassette tape. The version in the ad also has AM/FM capability, so if you got good radio reception, it sounded decent, too. Millions of these (and knock-offs...) were sold. I had one, almost everyone I knew had one. They were great.

Now, they're paperweights.

Yes, having a pristine Walkman would be cool. If I saw this at a yard sale for $5 or even $10, I might consider it, except for the fact I think I have a couple of them myself in storage. $200...I'm going to pass.

I do hope the guy--I'm assuming it's a guy--gets the money. Maybe in ten or fifteen years it would be easier to get that kind of money for a Walkman. Of course, in that time it might cost that much for a McDonalds Happy Meal.

What something is worth is whatever someone will pay. There might be someone out there who, to them, it's worth two-hundred bucks.

Just not me.

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