Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Destroyed TV...I Blame The Cat

We all heard the crash, of course, the only one in the room at the time...

Was the cat.

I was working. The boys were in their rooms. My wife was in the front room. In our house, it's not normal to hear things crashing to the ground, so I jumped up to make sure everyone was okay. When I opened the door from my office, I spotted the TV, not atop the dresser like it should have been. was laying destroyed on the bedroom floor

Maybe it still works, so I returned it to the dresser and plugged it in.

I got an ode to St. Patrick's Day.

We had to toss it...too bad, it was a good, old--yet reliable set that served us well for almost a decade. It survived a move, and several cats. It did, however, not survive our huge rag doll cat.

There were times, when it was just the cat and I, when we were watching a program--most likely, a sports program--the cat would jump up on the dresser and scratch at the action on the screen. Then, he would stretch to his full length (which is very long...) and place his paws over the top of the TV. I had only ever seen him do it when there was something on the screen.

Looks like he didn't have to have something on the screen to be interested in the TV.

We love our cat...I mean, he's a cat and even though he caused the damage, his brain didn't understand what he did. Such is the life of a cat.

Oh...we're still looking for a home for him and if you're thinking he might be the perfect cat for you, we'll even throw in a wall TV mount...for free. 

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