Thursday, February 10, 2022

Sometimes...You Just Need Some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream W/Wafers

 Ever since our then governor, Jon Huntsman, Jr. issued his inspired edict that Utah State employees would be working a four-day work week, ten-hour shifts with Fridays off, I've been fortunate enough to remain on that schedule all those years.

This is a long way of saying today--since it's Thursday--is my last work day of the week, or in other words, my Friday.

So, after a long work week (and dinner and taking out the garbage...), it was time for dessert. I've found Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream to be wonderful. Throw in a couple of vanilla wafers and you've really got something.

Ice cream has been a dessert of choice for me for as long as I can remember. When I was a child my mom used to buy the gallon tubs of cheap ice cream for me and every single day after school I would come home and have a bowl of ice cream. I ate gallons and gallons of the stuff. 

A lot has changed since those days. First, the price of ice cream has exploded, as has everything else. And, there's no way I could eat a bowl of ice cream everyday without facing serious health concerns. This didn't appear to have any health effects on me as a child. Now, different story.

Even though I can't eat ice cream every day for health (and cost...) concerns, I still love it. And I'll still continue to enjoy an occasional bowl of ice cream, especially at the end of a long work week.

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