Sunday, February 6, 2022

Give Thanks...Family Meals

 Tonight we got together for a family meal, something I've been fortunate enough to do all my life. Currently, almost my entire immediate family lives under our roof. Our oldest is married and lives in the county over the hill. There are times when he and his wife visit us and often we get to sit down at the family table for a meal.

It's just the best.

Over the past half year I've had the opportunity, the privilege, of spending time with family...funerals have that effect. I'm thankful for my family.

Earlier in my career I worked with people who had lost their jobs. My job was to determine if the government would be able to offer financial assistance. Many times, we had to turn them down. I remember several conversations I had with people who had no one in their lives--no family they could turn to for help. That's one of the things those who believe government can help everyone fail to understand. It can't, not every time for every person. I remember those conversations and I put myself in their shoes. What would I do if I lost my job and had no income to care for my children?

I'd turn to family.

Over the years we've done exactly that. I'm glad they were there. And I suspect in the future my family will turn to us for help, be it financial or emotional. I hope we can help the way help was offered to us.

Grandma brought a cheesecake she made for tonight's family meal. It was delicious. I'm thankful she lives so close and we can help each other. I'm also glad we could get together on a Sunday evening, sit around a table, eat, and chat about life.

It's just the best.

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