Saturday, February 5, 2022

Wanting Things...

 Wanting things...

For fun, I'll get on Facebook Marketplace and see what's for sale. People post pictures of things they want to sell. They present the best side of the things, make them look appealing, look wonderful. I used to spend time on KSL Classifieds, but Facebook has an easier-to-use interface.

I really shouldn't do it. 

I shouldn't do it for a couple of reasons. First, these are mostly things I DO NOT NEED. That's the biggest reason not to look. Then there's the price of things...don't really have the disposable income to spend on stuff I don't need. I think that's why I like shopping at thrift stores. There I can buy things I don't need and not spend a lot of money on them.

No, I shouldn't be wanting things I don't need and can't afford. It makes life a little miserable, if a person dwells on these kinds of things. There's a reason we can't get everything we want. Life wasn't meant to be that way, because humans tend to want more and more stuff...they get greedy and a greedy person is not a good person. Then, if they happen to get what they want, then they want what they can't get, want what others have. It also makes people believe they should get stuff just because they want it or that it's not fair that others have stuff they can't have.

I'm old enough to notice something else, too. There are times when I've wanted something (something I didn't necessarily need...) and I've bought it. It never quite seems to be as special as I thought it would be. I would love a drone because I love photography. I've had a couple of drones in the past, but they were on the cheap end and they didn't take good photographs--sort of defeats the purpose. But I know if I were to spend good money on a good drone, it would probably sit in my room most of the time, unused. It would be really cool, but I'd most likely get bored and go underused.

And the last reason I should stop looking at things for sale on social media is because spending more time on social media isn't good for me in general. It's full of people (mostly...) twisting the truth about how wonderful their lives are, showing everyone where they've traveled, the accomplishments of their children, how cute are their pets. I know, I know...I do it, too.

No, I shouldn't be looking at the things people are selling, but knowing me as I do, I'm sure I'll do it again.

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