Thursday, February 3, 2022

Ever Wonder How Things End Up At The Dollar Store? Me Too...

 Last month my wife and I ventured into our local Dollar Tree dollar store. Personally, I find that place fascinating. I should say from the beginning that I don't buy a lot of things at the store. Sure, if I need something that I know is in the store, I'll go in, but every time I enter a dollar store, I'm continually surprised at the things you can get for a buck (or, for a buck 25 because of inflation...).

On our last trip, it was my wife who was looking for things costing a dollar. I was along for the ride. As she shopped, I meandered through the aisles, looking at this and that. I stopped at the media section and that's where I spotted a movie I have not thought about for decades, Woody Allen's, Zelig. If you're unfamiliar with the movie, it's about a man who is able to modify his personality to blend in with his surroundings, so much so, he can change his weight and his skin color. It's a comedy, perhaps a dark comedy, but if you're a fan of Woody Allen films, it's one you've probably already seen.

This was a film I saw in the theater, not a "straight-to-video" situation. Of course, it wasn't one of Allen's most popular films, nor did it win any prestigious awards like some of his other films. No, it was just a basic film, but somehow it ended up at the dollar DVD section in the dollar media bin at the dollar store.

It's possible all of Allen's films have suffered over the years. The filmmaker's name no longer has the cachet it once had due to things that took pace in the actor/director's life years ago. And the society has moved on, moved on from his shows and from him. At least, that's the way it seems.

Back in the day, I used to see a lot of movies in the theater and I believe this was the first time I saw a film I saw in the theater for sale at the dollar store. I guess there's a story behind how it ended up there, too.

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