Monday, September 5, 2022

Anyone Want To Buy...The Pie Dump?

 I've only eaten there less than half a dozen times. It is the very definition of a small-town eatery. It's called The Pie Dump...

And It's For Sale.

I think you should buy it.

Of course, when I say "you," I'm not speaking to anyone specific. I could be talking to "me" when I say "you." Personally, I think buying a local institution would be extremely challenging, but also rewarding. If you bought it, would you change things? Would you keep things the same so the locals will still continue to come in?

Or, would you tear it down and put in a strip mall for insurance companies and mattress dealers to set up shop?

The area where I live is growing and is expected to explode in the next couple of years. People need places to eat up here. I think we would have eaten more at The Pie Dump but it's only open for breakfast and lunch. Still, even a place that does not serve dinner will be missed if it were to go away permanently. 

I'm sure much of the charm of the place comes from the family that runs it. When they go, no matter how much the new owners try to make it stay the same, it can't. Non-chain restaurants owe their uniqueness, in part, to their owners.

I have no idea what will happen to The Pie Dump. I do know it won't be me that buys it. I hope that whatever happens, people will be please with the results.

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