Sunday, September 25, 2022

Give Thanks...The Miracle It Happens At All

If you were to look at my social media timelines today, you'd see post after post, picture after picture of this year's FanX Comics Convention. So many of my friends attend, participate, even help plan the gargantuan event. As I walked around the Salt Palace Convention Hall this past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I realized just what a miracle it is to pull off a convention like this.

And except for Covid, they do it year after year after year.

I'm a small cog in a very big machine.

For the past several years, I've been assigned to the vendor floor stage. With the help of friends, our job is to book acts we feel with improve the show, provide entertainment, and even a little education. This year's line-up was our biggest ever. We had more performers than ever before.

Curve balls were thrown and problems arose, but with the knowledge of experts, friends, and parents, we made it through.

Still, all those people, all those vendors, all those guests, panelists, volunteers...everyone involved and everyone who paid good money to participate...they came together--worked together and the result was...well, in a word...


I'm grateful to be that small cog in the big machine. I'm glad so many are willing to dedicate so much time and energy so that others can have a fantastic weekend, and I hope to be able to contribute in the future. We'll see what 2023 brings. If it's like years past, the answer will be another great show.


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