Friday, September 16, 2022

I Mean, I Know It's True, But...

 I saw this posted on social media last night.

It made me laugh.

Funny, there's so much "information" out there. I'm sure there's a similar story out there about how this is not true, how the opposite is true. To be honest, I have no idea if the headline reveals truth or not. I have no idea to prove...

Left-handed people are the smartest.

Scientists have no doubt studied this topic for as long as there have been left-handed people. Are they really smarter than non-left-handed people. Being left-handed myself, I must agree. And since my mother-in-law and son are both left-handed, I'm sure they will agree, too.

I really don't think much about being left-handed. I've never found it to be a hinderance or an inconvenience. Even using right-handed scissors...since there were never enough of those green-handled once in elementary school, I adapted and used the right-handed ones. I trained my left hand to adjust and pull instead of push. The paper gets cut. No problem.

I've read other papers that say left-handed people have shorter lifespans due to their "disability." Do I believe that? I'm sure they have facts and proof to support their conclusion. I haven't worried about it. Maybe it's true...maybe it's not.

Then again, do they have shorter lives because they're smarter?

Now, that's an interesting thought.

Some left-handed person should look into it.

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