Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So, The Power Goes Out...

So, The Power Goes Out...

When I drive home from work (and pretty much whenever I drive...) I try and time the lights so I don't have to stop. On this afternoon's commute I came to a light in my hometown and tried to see the colors on the traffic light. I saw neither red, yellow, or green. The power was out. Before I went home I stopped by the office where I work part-time and they were on back-up power.

I continued driving in town and through two other traffic lights that lacked electricity. When I reached my house--no power. Luckily my family benefited for a couple of reasons...first, the power came back on shortly after I got home. And secondly, the house was not too warm due to the incredible wonderful fabulous amazing and nice summer weather we've been having.

Being without power made me think about how we live. It's amazing how blessed we are, but it can all come to an end so quickly. It's like a house of cards relying on the thinest of veneers to remain intact. Living in the community where we do, being prepared is not only a motto but a goal toward which to strive.

As I drove home each car at the traffic lights came to a complete stop (as we've all been taught to do...) before proceeding through the intersections. I wonder how we'd do (or will do...) if and/or when the power goes out not just for an hour or two, but for days, weeks, or completely. One day we may just find out...

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