Thursday, November 22, 2012

Food, Family, Fun, Thanksgiving 2012...

Anyone connected to social media has seen the posts for this Thanksgiving. Many of my friends began posting a daily "I'm Thankful For..." message at the first of November, and many of them are still at it. I love these posts and I'm pretty sure there's a huge feeling of satisfaction for the writers.

I haven't participated in this practice--not because I don't feel thankful for things, but because I am writing and posting other daily things.

For the first year in the past couple we did not have the Thanksgiving meal at our house. My brother's family hosted this year and we had a wonderful time. The food--including the bacon-wrapped turkey--was amazingly good! We ate, we chatted, we almost napped, we snapped some pictures.

As the sun set we headed to my wife's parent's house for more food and conversation. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law are in town from California. It's always good to see them.

I love reading about how thankful others are for the blessings in their lives. There's too many for me to mention in my life. Too bad we dedicate only one day a year to it. Of course, there's no rule against doing just that...

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