Friday, July 15, 2016

Remember National Twizzlers Day? Apparently, It Was A Local Event...

Are you one of those people who track those "national days?" You know the ones. They always post on Facebook or other social media platforms proclaiming to all whatever new "national day" it happens to be. Then, if it's National Cupcake Day for example, they post a picture of them or their family chowing down on cupcakes.

Yeah, you know people who do that. You may be people who do that.

And there's nothing wrong with that--don't get me wrong. I'm all for celebrating whatever day it is (which is just a way to generate more sales of whatever national day it is, but that's another story...).

A few weeks ago I entered the break room of my p/t job and low and behold before us all were bags and bags of Twizzlers. The note broadcast in no uncertain terms that it was National Twizzlers Day.

Of course, we all participated. You can't not celebrate National Twizzlers Day, especially when bags and bags of short sugary ropes taunt and temp as those blasted Twizzlers always do. I even took a picture--the same one on this blog post--and used it as my "Pic Of The Day" photo.

Turns out, it was not National Twizzlers Day, at least, not officially. I found out last week that it was only National Twizzlers Day in the break room of the south branch of the Davis County Library because the Branch Manager saw they were having a sale on bags of Twizzlers at her local grocery store so she stocked up, dumped them on the table, created a little note and let nature takes it's course.

I have no idea if there is an official National Twizzlers Day. But, after the celebration we had, there ought to be.

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