Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I Mean...Should I Even Take A Shower?

I finished my work shift, then I thought I'd take a shower.

But...should I?

The question has nothing to do with personal hygiene...well, I kind of does. Normally, I'd never have to even question something like that. Normally, when I'm going to take a shower--my only concern is if anyone else is taking a shower, or are the dishes/washing machine going?

Today, however, was not your normal day.

Just after 7am this morning, the ground shook. We're not used to this sort of thing, even though we live in an area full of fault lines. There's one just feet from our house. Today's earthquake was several miles away and I know we didn't feel it as strongly as others, but when the hear the rumble and feel the house shake, it's unsettling (to use a very appropriate word...). 

Then came the aftershocks, which is natures way of letting you know that even though the big event has come and gone, you're never really safe. This, of course, is something we should never forget. Extreme weather, or natural disasters, or pandemics let humanity know we were never really in charge, and we're never really in control. The only thing we really control is how we react to these events.

I could have just as easily titled this post: Should I do the dishes? Same point. For the first time in my life I kept thinking, while doing the dishes or taking a shower, will another earthquake hit, and if so, what can I do?

In the end, dishes must be done, showers should be taken, life goes on. We just have to roll with it as it does.

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