Wednesday, August 26, 2020

An Absolutely Beautiful Truck...

My boss and I went to lunch yesterday. Since I ventured to his domain--Utah County--I thought it best that he choose where we'd eat.

He chose Seven Brothers, Hawaiian, and the burgers were delicious!

As we entered the Provo Beach complex (where Seven Brothers is located...) we walked by a classic, 1960s-era VW bus/truck. I'm not sure the year--I'm not as up on my buses as I am on the bugs. Absolutely beautiful. My boss, I believe, is not a VW fan. As we walked by, I said, "See that van there?"

He said, "Yes."

"That's probably worth $20,000, maybe more."

"Really?" he said.

"Yup," I said.

Now, seeing as I'm not a VW bus/truck expert, I really don't know. It could be less, or a lot more. It might not even have an engine (you can legitimately joke that even with an engine, it doesn't really have an engine...). Point is, for those who are interested in antique, the vehicle was more than just an advertisement--it was art, it was beauty, if was something to behold.

Well done, Provo Beach...well done.

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