Thursday, August 20, 2020

One Of Those Rare Times...You Can Look Directly At The Sun

Tonight we found ourselves in Layton, Utah, doing a little furniture shopping. There's a new store opening and it is huge. We got there late so we didn't have a lot of time to browse, and even though the numerous items inside the store were impressive, the best thing we saw was outside....

In the parking lot.

Well, not in the parking lot, but from the parking lot.

Because of numerous fires, our air, like many in the west, is thick with pollution. And because of this pollution, we're able to look directly at the sun. When we exited the store, a group of people had gathered in the parking lot and they all had their phones pointing them towards the western sky. As we cleared the building, we could see why--the sun was amazing! I snapped a picture, but it really doesn't do what we saw justice.

It's not often you can look at the sky unaided by protection for your eyes. I'd love it more, if not for the fact that the reason we could see the sun tonight in its state was due to massive destruction caused by fires. I guess it's the "silver lining" from a bad situation.

I'm sure our little group of shoppers/browsers weren't the only ones snapping pictures of the sun tonight. I'm sure, if I did a little searching, I could find many photos taken of tonight's sun--hopefully, of a better quality than mine. It was one of those things we all shared together.

Looking directly at the sun.

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