Sunday, August 16, 2020

When You Happen Upon A Classic Blake Edwards "Pink Panther" Film...You Just Have To Watch

Ah, the memories. For a kid growing up in the 1970s, we used to look forward to movies, going to them, finding joy in seeing film franchises progress. Of course, we didn't consider things like film franchises--if we loved the previous film, we wanted to see more.

Some of you may remember the Pink Panther films. They began in 1963 and continued until Peter Seller's death (I can't believe he was only 54 when he passed away...).

Watching The Pink Panther Strikes Again, takes me back to when I was a kid. And, why not? It's, for the most part, juvenile humor. 

Oh, the one-liners! Pure genius!

I know they tried resurrecting the franchise with Steve Martin playing the lead. I didn't watch them. It's not that I don't respect Martin's work--he's one of the best entertainers alive today. But, I never got around to seeing his version of Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau. There's no way the films can compare.

These classic films are not on very much. But when they are, check them out. It's historical, and hilarious. 

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