Thursday, March 10, 2022

When The World Is Devoid Of Color...

Two nights ago, while taking the dog out so he could do his business, I glanced across the street at our new streetlight. With the falling snow, it cast a cool glow on the ground and in the air. After the dog went to his room for the night, I went back outside and snapped a couple of pictures.

I let the pictures sit for a few days. I didn't know if I would post them in any capacity or if they'd end up like so many other photos that exist digitally somewhere in the cloud. Tonight I took a closer look at the photos and noticed something interesting...

There's no color.

Of course, black and white are colors. I understand that. And I'm sure if you were to take the photos and examine them more carefully, you'd see varying shades of colors, but to my eyes, they looked as if I had manipulated them by taking out all colors leaving only black and white. Nope...these photos are unfiltered.

It's impossible to capture the feeling of the moment. A photo or video is about as close as we can get. I loved just looking at the scene before me...a fine mist illuminated by the overhead light. It was beautiful and intimate and fragile.

I'm glad I experienced it...even if there wasn't much color.

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