Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mike...

We gathered in a large room, a cafeteria, which was appropriate considering tasty treats were being served, and we wished our friend a happy 1/2 century. Funny, I've known this friend for almost 30 of those 50 years.

I can't believe it's been that long....

I ran into another person tonight. I've met him a few times years and years ago. I know his family better. I even took bass guitar lessons from his older brother. Good family, good guy. We chatted of days and friends we shared decades ago. 

I can't believe it's been that long...

I drove home from the rehearsal/birthday celebration thinking. It's like we're all the same people we've always been, only we have children as old as we were when we all met each other many years ago. I wonder if we'll ever have an opportunity to gather as we did tonight and share a cookie and talk about European trips and choir concerts. I'd like to think so, but we probably won't. Of course, if we do, I'm sure I'll look back on that meeting and think, I can't believe it's been that long... Happy birthday, Mike. He's to 50 more!

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