Monday, January 9, 2017

Green Room Greatness...

I've spent a lot of time in this one particular theater over the past couple of years, done a lot of shows, seen a lot of things, met a lot of wonderful people. Many of those wonderful people you will see on stage as the curtain rises and the players walk on and break the legs of the stage, as it were.

But there are many people you miss when you pay for your ticket and sit in your seat. They're working behind the scenes and unless you're in a show or involved with the theater in some other way, you never see them.

One such person is Holly, and part of what she loves to do at the theater is dress up the Green Room. In the past four months I've seen the room transform from a ode to the Addams Family, an ode to George Bailey and Bedford Falls, and finally an ode to 1930s Long Island.

Our current show runs until the beginning of February and then Mary Poppins takes over. I'm sure Holly's already thinking of how she can Poppin-ize the space. I don't know what she'll come up with, but I'm sure it will dazzle.

I don't know if other theaters do this--this one obviously doesn't have to. A green room is important for the performers and techs, but decorating it to match the theme of a show, that's just a labor of love. Thanks Holly and CPT for going above and beyond!

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