Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Those "Literally" Unseen Warnings...

Funny, how many times it's the things we don't see that we have to worry about.

The other day I got a new desk set up at work. Things were moved, things previously unseen were seen. I noticed a small sticker attached to the keyboard cable. Maybe I had seen it before and just ignored it (seeing as how I have worked hours and hours, weeks and weeks, months and months, years and years behind this device...), I'm sure I've seen it and thought nothing of it.

If you don't want to read the entire warning, don't worry--I did for you. Basically, it says that if you use their product too much, you may experience...well, problems.

I wonder how many other things should have a similar warning.

Is there a warning in a car that if you drive too much you might have issues? What about watching too much TV? Of course everything used too much can cause problems. I like the part of the warning that says you may have problems even if you're not using the keyboard that may be keyboard-caused. Classic. 

Recently, I got a new standing desk. It's to help my back and I believe it's working. Maybe I had back problems because of my keyboard. After reading the warning, I'm sure some have tried to blame the accessory for their problems. It just seemed a little odd to me, that's all. And because surgeries and other remedies cost so much nowadays, I'm sure it's worth it to the company to place an ominous warning that includes problems the product may or may have caused.

Then again, maybe it's natures way of telling us we spend WAY too much time behind a computer screen. Time will tell.

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