Thursday, August 2, 2018

When Your Costumer Is A Brandon Sanderson Fan...

Tomorrow night we open Centerpoint Legacy Theatre's Pirates of Penzance. One of the roles I'll be playing is a pirate. The costumers for the show outdid themselves by creating unique looks for each pirate. They all look amazing, but I must admit, I love what they did for my character.

Before a show starts, we get feedback from the director, the stage manager, the lighting and audio technicians. We also get a chance to talk to the costumers. They put in countless hours creating their wearable works of art. My costume is different from the others. I wear an ankle-length duster and no hat (the bald head is a good contrast compared to my fellow hairy pirates...). 

Earlier this week a costumer showed me one of the last accessories I'd be wearing, a leather strip with small vials attached to it. She said there'd be different elements inside the vials. My friend and I (he also a Brandon Sanderson fan...) instantly thought about Alloy of Law

So we asked.

And she said she used Wayne as in inspiration of my costume.

How cool is that?

Answer: very.

It's been a long time since I read Alloy of Law. My friend read it more recently. As with many books, the way a character looks can vary with each reader. Some might notice the Sandersonian details of my costume. I'm sure it will be lost on many others. My friend asked the costumer if it was okay with them that the audience might not see all the cool things they've literally woven into the costumes.

Her answer was profound as it was awesome. She said, they do it for audience, but also for the actors. The actors know it's there. They know someone put in that extra effort to make a costume special. I'm glad I had that conversation with her. And I'm glad she's a Sanderson fan, too.

Come see the show and if you see a pirate and think, "That's Wayne from Alloy of Law!" I'll be me!

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