Monday, December 2, 2019

I Had No Idea I Looked So...Evil

The other day I donned a turtleneck shirt--because it was cold. Plus, since I was on a break from work due to Thanksgiving, wearing a warm turtleneck was a cozy thing to do. After I put it on, I caught myself in the mirror and thought the item of clothing made me look a little smarter than I normally look (t-shirt and jeans...). I decided to snap a selfie and maybe I'd use it for my Pic Of The Day.

That's just what I did.

I post my Pic Of The Day on social media on four sites: Facebook, Twitter, MeWe, and on my daily blog. If people respond to my pictures (not all of them generate responses...), it's most likely to come from my Facebook post. I chose this picture as my Pic Of The Day on November 29th. So far, I've received 63 reactions, fifteen comments, and one share. 

I had no idea I looked so evil.

Sure, responding with a gif of Mike Myers portraying Dr. Evil is appropriate--even expected. If I hold my pinkie finger to my face and arch an eyebrow, I can cosplay as Dr. Evil with extremely little effort. I get it and I think it's funny (if you're bald you either have a good sense of humor about it, or you're bitter--I prefer the former...). 

What I didn't expect were the comments that suggested I was evil, or I looked evil. A few comments said I looked like, a criminal mastermind, a British villain, a James Bond villain (they're not always British...). You get the idea.

I suppose we all have an opinion of how we think we look to the outside world. We may be right on, or completely wrong. Then again, is there a true representation of how we look since the perception is in others, in those who are looking? I guess the way we look actually depends on everyone else, or, in other words, we can look as different as there are people on earth, or even more because people can look at someone differently depending on a number of factors.

I haven't worn the turtleneck since last week. Since the turtleneck is warm and the weather will only get colder, I'll most likely don it again. And when that happens, will I feel evil?

I just might.

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