Friday, February 28, 2020

Letting You Babies Go...Submitting A Story

Being involved in the writing community for the past couple of years, you get to know a lot of authors. Some are machines, writing and submitting stories--it seems--every week. Then, there's others, like me, that write, but we're not so prolific. 

Tonight, I hit "Send" and I said good-bye to one of my babies. It was time to let go.

The fact that the deadline for submissions is the end of February means I'm running out of time. Still, I needed to get it in. It's a short story, around 3k words. I didn't spend a lot of time writing and editing it (a HUGE thanks to my writing group for their help...), but still, there's that moment, before I send anything in, I pause. Is it good enough? Should I have put in more work? Is it what they're looking for?

Time, of course, will tell.

Even though I haven't submitted many stories, it does get easier the more I do it. And it helps that those receiving the story--the editors are people I consider good friends. We've known each other for years, having both begun our literary journey at the same time. If my story's not good enough for the collection, they'll be honest with me if I ask them why. That kind of honesty is so important when you're so vulnerable after putting your heart on the line with your words.

Now, the waiting. I hope they received a ton of submissions, so many that only the cream of the crop will make it in the anthology. The book is set to be released at the end of the year, in time for Christmas, so even if it is chosen, I won't be able to hold the collection in my hands for several months.

It felt good to hit "Send." It's been too long. I need to do more of that.

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