Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Pros...And Cons...Of Telecommuting

I'm working my second winter at home. Since last winter was my first, there was a lot of "trial by error" learning going on. I had never before spent a significant amount of time in the basement during the winter--I knew it was cold (since it's unheated...), but I didn't know just how cold.

Now, we're not talking below freezing or anything close. I mean, we have insulation in the ceiling and some of the walls. But, that first winter, it was cold. It was so cold there were times when I had to wear coats and fingerless gloves.

I'd like to think I learn as I get older. When it comes to my work situation, I learned a lot. The single biggest thing I did to improve the working conditions was to move my desk. Before, it was in the middle of the room. Now, it's up against two walls in the basement. I have a single space heater tucked under the desk. I had the same heater last year, but the new configuration has helped immensely. This year, when I'm close to the heater, I don't even know how cold the rest of the room is--I'm toasty warm.

So, a few pros and cons of my telecommuting situation. 

Pro: ninety second commute time
Con: have to supply my own treats at my desk--no snaking from others
Pro: being able to work a full shift even when office workers don't have to come in until noon
Con: having to work a full shift even when office workers don't have to come in until noon
Pro: don't have to dig out my car to go to work in bad weather
Con: surrounded by food storage and not fun co-workers

These are just some "off the top of my head" thoughts. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Life is a balance of give and take, of advantages and disadvantages, of pros and cons. Today, it was a little chilly, but I also didn't have to risk climb in my car and take my chances on the road. For me, the pros totally outweigh the cons, even in an unfinished basement in the winter.

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