Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Drumsticks...Too Good To Be True

 Drumstick Ice Cream Cones.

Every had one? They're heaven. A few months ago my oldest came over bearing in a blue box. My family is not unique when I say we have some food sensitivities. It's worse than others, but not as bad as some. Point is, we have to be careful when it comes to our food. 

So, when my son brought the box over and happily proclaimed it was "safe" for us, there was much rejoicing. You're probably thinking, with all the stuff in those things, they're anything but safe. True enough, but they lacked some ingredients we avoid.

We tried them.

We loved them.

We bought more.

Yes, we thought we had found a dessert which we could all enjoy. Turns out, not so much. After a while, those with the highest level of sensitivity didn't feel so hot after consuming said product. It was a shame because we had just bought an eight-pack. My wife turned to me and said, "The rest are yours."


I then took it upon myself to depose of the remaining ice cream was my lot in life, a sacrifice I'm willing to make, for my family, of course. If put in a similar situation, I'd do it again.

Now, we no longer enter enter the ice cream aisle, at least not the part where the Nestle Drumsticks can be found.

It's really too bad.

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