Sunday, August 13, 2023

Give Thanks...For The Stink-Eye

 We had the family get together tonight for food and fun. The grandchild turns three weeks tomorrow...he's much more active (I heard a crying fit for the first time...) which means, he's able to emote many facial expressions, including...

The stink-eye.

Yeah, he gave it to me as I hovered for a shot. How can I not? I'm a grandpa, for goodness sakes. It's required, it's expected, it's in my D.N.A. As I moved about and snapped a picture, hoping for a great shot, I clicked the button on my phone and the finished product is what you see. 

Little cuss gave me the stink-eye.

I'm so blessed that my family could gather together tonight. In a few months a few of us will be relocating south and we won't see them as much--not too far away, but far enough so we can't just jump in the car and twenty minutes later we'll be together. Kids will continue to grow, grandchildren will, too. I hope my children can look back on memories like hanging out in the backyard of their parents's house--something we did tonight--with fondness.

I hope we can as well.

I'm grateful for tonight, for these last three weeks, even for that dang stink-eye.

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