Thursday, August 31, 2023

Started A New Story...It's About Time (Even Though It's Not About "Time")

 I've had this story kicking around my brain for years. It began like almost all the others...a seed sprouts and begins to grow. Sometimes--most times--I open my computer and write the beginning down. I usually crank out a page, or two. On occasion, I may complete an entire chapter...

Then, I usually stop.

It's my style.

And not a good style.

Most of my short stories ended up that way. The great thing about a short story is I'm usually dedicated enough to see the story through. It's when the story requires an additional eighty-five thousand words where I run into trouble.

This latest story's different. It's a children's book. Some of my first writings were picture books (sans illustrations...). I even sent them to publishers, back when you printed copies and mailed a physical copy of your work to publishers. Those were the days. In many ways, it's a superior system than what we have today because it forces the author to actually do more than just type a story.

In the photo, you see I've only written 372 words. The good news is, that's about ten percent of the entire thing. I had fun writing those words. I can see even now how much editing it will take. The fewer the words, the more important each word is. I'm also going to need an illustrator. I have a couple in mind. I'm waiting to see how it turns ou,t to see how confident I am in the finished product, before I consider inquiring about an artist. 

This story is the kind of project I need to think about, to roll around in my mind. I know (or I think I know...) how I want the story to feel when it's done. All I have to do now, is write it.

Yes, it's another "just begun" tale. Let's hope it doesn't end up like so many others.

I'll keep you posted.

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