Tuesday, August 8, 2023

"The Befallen"...By Cambria Williams

 Release day.

There's something about the day when it's really official, when the book that's inundated your life for days, weeks, months, years is unleashed upon the world. Someone somewhere has the stats...there's probably hundreds--even perhaps thousands--of books were released today, including Cambria Williams's The Befallen.

This is Williams's first book. If you ask me, it lacks a "first time" feel. The protagonist, Sloane faces a cruel world in search for justice. Williams's talent is evident as the reader and Sloane discover the fascinating world in which she ventures. Her village gone, her family dead...when others see Sloane they see weakness. We see more because we see the struggles, the danger, the triumphs and the failures.

Years ago I read a lot of fantasy, but not anymore. Maybe because of that, the story was fresh, the world created believable and tangible. If you're a fan of fantasy with a hero unlike so many others, give The Befallen a try. You can order it by clicking: HERE.

Release days are exciting. Even though it's not my book, I can still feel that spark, the feeling of seeing the reviews come in, finding out what people think of your words. There's nothing else like it. Check out The Befallen. It's a great read.

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