Thursday, August 17, 2023

Knowing Things I Never Knew Before...

 I don't do snark well. We live in a world where snark gets a person noticed. I always thought I'd be more popular on Twitter/X if I turned up the snark meter to eleven. I hope that even if I were better at snark, I'd show some restraint when it comes to social media. I try to avoid it whenever possible.

Then, I saw a a banner at our local hospital. The banner advertised a new service offered by the care center. The service? Wound care. My wife and I actually talked about it as we drove by. We wondered what the hospital did with wound victims before they offered this service.

Then, I took a picture of it, posted the photo on social media with a snarky caption.

I should have done some research.

Thankfully, I have friends who informed me that wound care is not just stitching up a cut or putting a bandage on an injured part of the body. It's much more. I now know wound care is more involved than I thought, and I'm glad this service is available in such a small rural town. Wound care deals with any ongoing effects of wounds, be they small or life-changing. Just use your do people deal with wounds and all in entails?

I'm also glad my friends didn't call me to the carpet for making light of tragedies people who need these services go through. 

I know it's a small thing and my "joke" was not overtly offensive. Since the question of "What did they do before they had wound care?" begs an obvious question. There was an obvious answer.

Like I said, I don't do snark well.

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