Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Does Anyone Really Know How Cold It Is...?

We are entering the transition time of year when the warm days turn to cooler days. It's one of those weird in between seasons where you put on a sweater in the morning and need (sometimes...) to wear shorts during the day.

It's also a strange time for your thermostat. 

I passed ours in the hallway this morning and noticed the temperature. Sixty-nine degrees. It struck me that some people (not us...) set their inside temperature in the mid to high sixties in the summer. We haven't switched over to our heater so it would now take a severe heat wave to hit seventy-six degrees.

So, if in the middle of the summer sixty-nine degrees is heaven, why was it chilly in my hallway this morning?

Isn't sixty-nine degrees the same temperature in the summer as in the winter? If it were summer and we had our a/c at sixty-nine degrees, I'd probably be in a t-shirt and shorts. But this morning, no way. Also, if I switched on the heat and bumped the inside temperature to mid to high seventies during the winter months, would it feel warm? Would I dress in sweats? If so, why am I not wearing sweats when it's seventy-six degrees in the summer?

I've never thought about this before. Maybe the insulation on our home isn't has efficient as I thought. I'm sure those who have studied such things can explain all of this (or, if I did a little research, I'd know...). It might be that our bodies get used to the heat in the summer so a house set at seventy degrees inside still may feel warm, and a house set a seventy degrees inside in the winter may feel cool.

It made me wonder...do I really now what temperature it is?

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