Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Hitting 200k...Good Girl

 I've never had a new car. The closest I came was when my mother passed away and we inherited a little cash. I bought a two-year old car that had maybe 20k miles on it. I've had a few cars since then. My latest car, a 2010 Subaru Forester lovingly named "Donk" just hit 200k.

I had to stop and take a picture.

I've had Donk almost three years. When I bought it, the odometer was about to click 180k miles. Even moving way from civilization, I don't drive the car a lot. After I bought it, I was working at home and it took forever to put on the required miles for me to get an oil change. I put more miles on it now, but not much more. Except for my autumn gig, I'd hardly ever drive the thing.

For some strange reason, I remember a TV commercial from my youth. In the commercial, an older woman was driving her car. I think the ad was for motor oil--motor oil specially designed for older cars, and by "older" they meant, cars that had been driven over 100k.

Seems like a joke now.

They build better cars now--I don't think anyone would argue. It seems cars just last longer now, especially certain brands. If a certain make and model of car/truck has over 100k miles, I'd not think twice about buying it (if I had the money, that is...). And because the cost of used cars has skyrocketed lately, cars with 200k are still attractive to buyers.

But, I'm hoping I can keep this one. 

And maybe one day I'll pull over around 11pm on I-15 on a weekend night and snap another picture. Of course, if I continue driving Donk like I have been the past three years, it'll take me thirty years to reach another 200k.

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