Thursday, October 12, 2023

Never Watched A Regular Season Game...But Playoff Baseball Is Great

 Maybe because it's October.

Maybe there's something in the air.

Whatever it is, I actually watched a MLB game for the first time this year.

It wasn't the game from these pictures...those were last night's. It was the first round of the playoffs, wildcard series. Of course, I'm not a "true fan" as you can clearly tell. How can you clearly tell? Because I watch the games on my computer and not sitting on a comfy couch watching a quality TV with surround sound.

That's what a real fan would do.

There's something about playoff sports. The tension is heightened, the stakes are higher, the pressure is next level. Each pitch, each out, each swing determines the outcome. And the crowd helps create the atmosphere. Even watching on a can almost feel the hopes and dreams of tens of thousands of fans from thousands of miles away.

It's electric. It's hypnotic. It's addictive.

I watch and enjoy other playoffs series from other sports. The same vibes permeate those games, too...especially college championships. It's almost like the student fans--being younger--attach more of their self esteem, their self worth to the outcome of the games. They haven't been beaten down by life yet so they haven't considered a reality where their team doesn't win.

It may be because it's October or something in the air (or watching a Bryce Harper homer...). Whatever the reason, I'm a fan of playoff baseball.

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