Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Centerpoint Legacy Theatre's "Scrooge, 2014"...The Video

The Video!

Each time I do a show, I try to make a video. It's an attempt to try and retain those good memories of the show and the incredible people I'm privileged enough to work with.

The other night I did the show with the other cast and I spent much of the time with my camera taking as many pictures as possible. I'm glad I got the opportunity to do a show with them. They're a great cast and they do a wonderful show.

I apologize to those of you who read this blog everyday if you're sick of reading about this show. It's just a big part of my life right now and we've all put so much into it to try and make the experience as good as possible for our audiences and each other.

You can access the video on YouTube: HERE. So, here's to you, casts of Scrooge! Thanks for making it so much fun to play!

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