Tuesday, October 23, 2018

How NOT To Celebrate Your Half-Birthday...

Okay, it's been a few weeks since this happened and as I was looking through my blog post ideas folder, I ran across this little beauty. I thought, I ought to put write about it.

It was funny.

I should say at the beginning that I'm not the most social media savvy person out there. I do okay, but the kids these days know so much more about all things "social media" than I do. I've been on Twitter for years, but truth be told, I'm probably doing it wrong.

The point I'm trying to make it the Facebook meme my friend posted a few weeks back was something I might do. At first I thought my friend knew the emoji he thought was chocolate wasn't, in fact, a chocolate emoji. So, when I responded, I wasn't sure if he was trying to be funny. I posted my response and he posted his.

He's maybe having the last laugh--he might have known what the poop emoji meant all along. Either way, I thought it was funny, and so did a few others. Like I said before, this is something I might have done myself. Who knows--I might be making these type of mistakes all over the place. And if I do, I hope they bring a smile to someones face, whether I meant them to or not.

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