Thursday, September 5, 2019

Ah, Authors...The Best Kind Of People

A few weeks ago I sat with a new writer and we discussed...well, writing. I saw in him me about ten years ago, confused, stressed, wondering if I was ever supposed to be a writer. I know I said a lot of stuff--some might call advice--as we talked. There was one thing I do remember saying, that the writing community was one of the most accepting group of people I'd ever been with.

Today, that was again proven correct.

As I stood on the FanX Convention Floor a fellow writer, Greg Vose, approached me. I recognized Greg and he me. When you attend writing conventions year after year, even if you don't know someone well, you know who they are. He came up to me and he asked me a favor. It appear a writer friend of his told him that no one knew who he (friend) was. Now, I don't know if this writer friend was being serious, or having a bit of fun. Either way, something was being done about it.

Greg produced a small ribbon, the kind you can attach to a name badge. On it were the words, "I Know R.R. (Ronnie) Virdi." I was asked if I knew R.R. Virdi. I've never me the man, but I'd seen his name on social media (writing friends posting about other writer friends...), so I knew of him. That was good enough. He asked me to hold the ribbon so he could snap a picture and send it to him. Apparently, I was not the only person to which this was done. You can learn more about R.R. by clicking: HERE

As Greg walked away I thought about how cool this small interaction was. It was one writer doing something he didn't have to do to show a friend an act of kindness, to show him he was thought of, to be a friend. 

Since I began seriously writing, I've seen small acts like this over and over. Writers--at least many/most of the ones I know personally--are like this. I think it's because the act of writing is so difficult--we understand what it takes and we have empathy toward each other. Thanks Greg for proving my point...authors can be the best kind of people.

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