Saturday, September 14, 2019

Time Is Running Out...On My Little Garden

This is a picture of what may well be my entire squash crop.

Time is running out on my little garden.

We were late in planting. In fact, we weren't planning on planting any vegetables this year since we've had such poor results lately. But when your friend owns and operates a greenhouse, and he talks you into taking a couple of tomato plants, a pepper plant, and a squash plant late in the planting season, you do it and wait for the results.

Turns out, the results were not good. Oh, all the plants have produced produce, but--especially the tomatoes--the season's cooler temperatures are going to be unhelpful for our crops. There's several green tomatoes on the plants but I doubt they're going to make it.

Of course, the small garden was never meant to be a main food source for our family. We live in a world where it's more economical--especially with our time--to just go to the store and pick up a squash, a few tomatoes and a couple of peppers, than it's been to plant/weed/harvest what's grown.

All in all, it's been a fun exercise, so much so, I think I'll do it again next year. Hopefully, I'll start sooner, and perhaps clear more space for more plants. Who knows where this will lead? Probably with the same results. But the squash in the above picture would never have existed (at least, on our land...) had not I took an interest and acted on it.

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