Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Building Across The Way...

This morning my daughter and I drove about thirty miles south, to a small rehearsal hall. I wasn't auditioning, but my daughter was.

I decided to wait in the car while she went inside. I didn't want to be one of "those parents." I'm sure if I had gone in and waited with her, she wouldn't have minded. Still, I thought it would be better to give my daughter space to prepare. It was a show my daughter would really like to do. She knows the odds--her never having performed at this particular theater--are not the best, but she did it anyway.

You see, she is brave.

She might not think so, or at least, might not this she's as brave as I think she is. That doesn't change my opinion, however.

In the theater world, just like any other I suppose, there are levels of professionalism and quality. Not all theaters can produce the same product--nor should they try. Some theaters are more for the actors than the audience. A small town putting on a summer show to give children something fun to do comes to mind. In our area, there are a handful of theaters where actors want to be cast. Hale Center Theatre is one. They just built an incredible complex dedicated to the art of performance. If you are in the area, you really should check it out.

Trying to get in a show where everyone else wants to get into as well can be intimidating. I've never auditioned for a show there. My wife did shows with the Hale family when she was in high school, about thirty years ago. A lot's changed since then.

My daughter came out after her audition. We discussed how it went on the thirty minute drive home. Like any audition, she didn't know how well she did. She'll know in a few days if she'll be called back, or not. Now the waiting begins.

As I waited for her in the car for her audition to conclude, I looked up and noticed the rehearsal building is directly across the interstate from the Hale Center Theatre. It was so close, but separated by thousands of racing cars, trucks, motorcycles, and vans. And in order to reach it, you've got to commit to trying. It can be dangerous, but well worth it, when you've reached your goal.

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