Friday, September 6, 2019

Yup...I Oversold It...I Oversold N'Sync

I first heard about the change in plans when I first arrived at FanX Comic Convention yesterday. I was pulled aside and told that sometime between 4pm and 5pm, my little convention floor stage would get a couple of visitors.

Several, actually.

We were going to be visited by Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick. The former members of N'Sync would be arriving via golf cart to the stage area. Then, there would be an explosion of dancers (okay, that may be over the top...) and thus would begin a dance party right there, at our stage.

The first thing I did, after finding out about the change, was find the person we had booked on the stage between 4pm and 5pm. That happened to be James Artimus Own. Because James is such a pro and an amazing guy, he was at first shocked, but then he said he'd roll with it. I know some who would have balked--it wouldn't matter who was interrupting them, but not James. He met with the event organizer and found out what was going to happen. Then we all went on our way until 4pm hit.

James began his panel. If you haven't heard his story, it's one of those "come from behind" tales where sheer will triumphed over potential disaster. His story is inspiring and meaningful, especially in our cynical world. As James continued, I kept looking down the vendor hall waiting for a golf cart. Because I was excited, and wanted as many people as possible to experience whatever it was that was going to happen, I told friends as they walked by that they needed to sit down and wait because N'Sync was going to put on a show.

I completely misunderstood. 

The show was for Joey and Chris. They weren't the performers, but the audience.

I'm sure I was told this, but in my mind, they were going to hop on stage so everyone could see them. Nope, didn't happen. And that's just as well. Everyone in the area saw the stars on the cart and gave them the recognition they deserved. But when it was all over, I realized, to those I spoke to earlier, I misrepresented what was going to happen.

The picture above is a snapshot of a video I took from the back of the stage. You can barely make out section of the golf cart and on that cart were the stars. It would have been fun to welcome the two up on our stage. I'm glad they got to see the hard work put on by the dancers. After all, they put in all the work to prepare for the surprise. All I did was oversell N'Sync.

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