Saturday, May 9, 2020

Another Small Business Closes Its Doors...Or Greenhouse

Today, another small business closed...not due to a world-wide virus, or government regulations, but because the businessman ran out of product to sell.

The season is over for Taylor Academy Plants, a.k.a. A Simple Life Plants. 

I'm proud of my son. He put in a lot of hard work. Of course, there were things he couldn't do that we helped with, like driving to pick up the plants and driving to the good spot to sell the plants. But still, he got up early on the weekends--something he doesn't usually do. He helped make decisions on what he felt was best for the business, including when to set up, how long to stay out on the sidewalk, and other things.

Yesterday afternoon, he had his best sale. A lone customer bought 1/2 of his entire inventory. Personally, I don't know if the man really needed thirty-two tomato plants, but who are we to argue? It was funny--after he left, we were discussing that very thing when we saw him come back and park his car. We were convinced his wife had told him to bring some of the plants back. Turns out, he came back to buy even more.


This morning, with an hour to go before we closed up shop, we had a half-off sale. A few more plants sold and then, time came to pack it up. My son decided to set up the table in front of our house with our remaining inventory and give it away to whomever wanted it. And that's what we did. Neighbors picked up a plant here and there, then finally, someone pulled up and took everything we had, about twenty plants. He gave my son $25,  even though we told him they were free. He didn't care and he made my son's day.

Yes, the doors have closed for 2020. But come 2021, he'll be back at it. It was a good experience.

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