Tuesday, May 5, 2020

It's All Perspective...

The picture obviously caught my attention--it did what it was designed to do. 

The Click-Bait snagged another viewer.

But, in my defense, the picture was engaging. I mean, what is the thing? Is it a piglet? A rat? Some sort of abnormal creature that is mystifying scientists?

Well, if you can't figure it out, I'll tell you what it is at the end of this post. And when I do, you'll instantly see it and realize it's all about perspective.

Perspective is a funny thing. We hear the term "The New Normal" thrown around all the time. People--most people--would love for their lives to return to the way it was before. But, the life you think you knew was an illusion. Things were never "normal." We get kicked back to reality whenever something happens to us, be it a something big like a new world-wide virus, or something much more localized, like the passing of a loved one. Things that used to make sense no longer do. And we are left wondering about the life we thought we knew.

This event of history we're experiencing now will be studied by economists, sociologists, psychologists, historians, medical professionals, and even politicians and lawyers for decades to come. What we know now will pale in comparison to what we will know later. How does knowledge change our perspective? 

It's fascinating.

Sometimes, we don't realize how much power we have and how things change just by looking at them differently. Case in point, the above picture. Look at it again. Now, tilt your head and look at the picture again. This is not a picture of some disfigured animal, but an adorable chihuahua. What looks like the animal's nose (closest to the camera) is the dog's ear and what looks like an ear (pointing up) is the dog's nose. When we look at things from a different view, so much can change.

It's all perspective.

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