Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Killing Floor...


Dogs are weird.

We are dog people, but not "dog people." For a majority of my life, I've lived with a dog in the house, but we had multiple dogs only once. The first dog I remember was Waldo, a black lab that was big (we were little kids then and the dog was HUGE...), and uncontrollable. Waldo didn't last long. Then came Tasha. She lived for seventeen years. I got her when I was a barely a teenager and she passed away after I graduated from high school, finished college, got married, and had our first child. Great dog.

Next came Patch. She was another wonderful dog. She only lived thirteen years, and we had to put her down last year due to health reasons. She was my kid's dog, a great example of a family pet. Now, we have Bec. He's really my son's dog, but he's also a family dog. He's a poodle, which is a much smarter breed than Patch, a shih tzu.

The poodle is scary smart.

But, still weird sometimes (I'm sure they think the same of us, on occasion...).

Dogs are famous for destroying things, furniture, homework, shoes. Thankfully, our poodle has been good, but there's one thing we allow him to chew up...junk mail. For some reason, the dog will take his prized possessions to the killing floor, which happens to be the landing on our staircase. I don't know why he's chosen that particular spot to destroy his victims. But, that's how things go.

It's possible the poodle will continue to tear apart junk mail (and bones...) on the landing. He may choose someplace else to wreak carnage. Maybe we'll have a Killing Basement, or Killing Couch. For now, though, a small part of the stairs works just fine.

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