Monday, July 20, 2020

Anyone Looking To Pick Up A $5 Piano? Because...We've Got One

We've had the piano in our front room for years. The Everett Cabinet Grand sits in the corner of the front room and it provided a learning opportunity for almost all our kids. The piano was a gift from a friend and co-worker--it was his mother's. It's well over one-hundred years old, and sounds pretty good, considering. When my friend's mother passed away, the piano needed a new home.

"Free piano," he said, and we took him up on the deal.

Years have passed and countless tunes have been practiced and perfected. The complexity that is music became intertwined with our children's brains as they took lessons, learned songs, and worked through the missed notes and uneven tempos. Growing up, we had a Spinet piano in our front room. My brother and sister took lessons. I took accordion lessons--same thing, but not really. But I did plunk out several songs on my mom's piano.

Time has come for this instrument to find a new home with new kids plunking out new and old songs in someone's front room. Or, because it's not the prettiest piece of furniture, it can sit majestically in another room in your house.

I know I put in the title of this blog post that the piano would cost you 5 bucks. But, really, it's free. Just come and get it and bring several sturdy lifters. If you're looking for a free piano (truth be told, we'd even offer to pay you $5...), let us know. There's nothing like learning to play the piano...

Or the accordion.

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