Thursday, July 30, 2020

To Hymn, Or Not To Hymn...That Is The Question

Do you remember the movie, Footloose? I remember the original Kevin Bacon 80s flick (can't say that I've seen the re-make...) for several reasons. First, it was filmed two counties south in Utah. Second, I knew at least one person who was in the film, and third, it was a huge hit.

And in it, they outlawed dancing.

Now, they've basically outlawed singing.

There's many things we used to do that we no longer can. Singing seems like a minor thing, but it really isn't. It's a big deal. Some of my most spiritual experiences have come from music, listening to it, performing it, singing it. There's a reason music and religion are so closely intertwined. 

Where I live, we've been allowed to return to church, but under many conditions. One is our congregation cannot all be in the building at the same time. Another is no singing. They even took away the hymnals. I understand why--even taking away the songbooks. But it still hurts.

There will be a day, hopefully soon, when everyone can worship they way they want, with friends, neighbors, and family...and singing. Until then, the songs will need to stay in our hearts.

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