Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Xchyler Publishing...Dare To Dream...What A Ride!

I received a notice today that royalties from Xchyler Publishing were sent out.

What a ride!

I hope I don't imply the small publisher is gone or non-existent. As far as I know, you can still order their books. You can go to their website: HERE. I also just checked on Amazon--they're good. But, things have changed. In the past, I've written dozens of blog posts about Xchyler, their books, and their authors and even though none of us will get rich from those royalties, and I'll put Xchyler's stories and covers up against anyone's any day.

I can't fully express how important this imprint has been on my literary career. Without Xchyler Publishing, I don't know if I'd ever publish a novel, or get involved in writing conventions, or been an assistant program director at the Salt Lake FanX Comics Convention.

And this doesn't include all the amazing people I've met along the way.

Xchyler published my first short story in anthology titled, Mechanized Masterpieces; A Steampunk Anthology. They published two more of my short stories. Because of this, I was considered a published author--even though my contribution to the writing community was small. This opened doors for me that may never have opened. This led to meeting other authors and being on panels and allowing me fantastic experiences.

I may never have  another thing published--I hope this isn't the case, but as an author you never know what the future will bring. I'd like to personally thank those at Xchyler, especially Scott Tarbet and Penny Freeman. Scott sent out today's royalties--it's truly a labor of love.

Xchyler Publishing--they created so much more than stories.

Dare to dream.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Scott. It is a pleasure associating with you. Xchyler Publishing is indeed still around, though in a less active role. We look forward to fostering new, emerging, and our mature authors.
