Friday, July 3, 2020

One Of My favorite Scenes...

The scene--the part I videoed on my phone, that is--lasts 43 seconds. It's from the film, Field of Dreams, and it's near the end of the film, the pay-off from an hour and a half of twists and turns, mystery and a splash of the supernatural makes the scene all that much more powerful.

The scene where the camera dollies toward Archie "Moonlight" Graham, a.k.a. the fantastic Burt Lancaster, after he's been called out by Shoeless Joe me goosebumps every time I watch.

I've studied film, more than a history than anything, but I haven't studied too much the mechanics of filmmaking. Since filmmaking and cinematography are highly evolved art forms, I know there's specific reasons the scene was staged, was shot, was presented that way it was. For me, all that hard work succeeded to evoke a response, a powerful one.

There's so many amazing things found in Field of Dreams. I've focused on just one, one of many. If you're looking for a great film to watch this weekend, you can't lose with this one, and that scene before Moonlight disappears into the corn (sorry--spoiler alert...), is one of the best ever.

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