Wednesday, July 1, 2020

One Day...One Day

One day...

One day we'll awake from this drunken orgy of hate and realize some basic truths, truths about ourselves and the world that surrounds us.

We'll wake up and realize we've maligned, spit on, screamed at, wished to die people who did not deserve to be treated that way. We'll wake up and realize we believed and acted under the direction of people who used us to further their own power, their own ideology...

Their own hate. 

When our fingers are tired of pointing at everyone else and our voices are gone from screaming hate, we'll realize that through it all, we forgot about God. We forgot about the simplest of commandments--to love one another.

We'll wake up and realize love and hate cannot exist within the same soul.

Of course, by the time reality hits, we'll wake up and mourn the death and injury of innocent people. We'll look back and wonder how we could have become slaves to the hate we cultured, we nurtured we allowed to grow in our hearts. We'll wake up to a world we could not have possibly imagined because hate overtook us, controlled us, caused us to defame and destroy and wound and kill.

There are no winners when hate rules. Hate is not bestowed only one one group. Hate cares not for race or skin color or age or intelligence--it only lives to destroy.

As I've grown older, I've wondered how societies could turn on each other, how educated, rational people could see people different from themselves and condone their destruction. Watching us tear each other apart, I'm beginning to see how it can be done.

Today marks the beginning of the second half of 2020. Will the hate we feel is justified lead to more death and destruction, or will we follow the admonitions of Christ, humble ourselves, and love God with all our hearts...

And then, love our neighbor as ourselves?

Time will tell.

One thing's for sure--we'll one day wake up to a world created by our actions...

And a world we deserve.

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